The Circle of Life

"From the day we arrive on the planet and blinking, step into the sun. There's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done".
Those are the first four lines to the 1994 Lion's King, theme song," Circle of Life".
I have never seen the Lion King in one sitting ( I know shocker). I have technically seen the movie, just by replay and word of mouth. I know the overall plot, the major scenes, characters, and obviously the theme song. With the upcoming 2019 release of the live action movie, I am reminded of the original animated movie and how it sums up my 2018. Its amazing how something like a cartoon approaching 25 years old can aid in making sense of a trying year. Three characters in particular reminded me of my personal experiences.
Like Simba, my family lost its head unexpectedly and suddenly. Then the past of my internal Scars tried to trick me into believing I was responsible for occurrences that where not my fault. However, while running into the the jungle of my emotions, an inner Nala reminded me that I am still here. Yeah I may be emotional drained and spiritually left for dead, but there is a throne out there with my name and I am claiming it.
During Simba's time in the wilderness he had to find himself. He had to deal with the guilt of thinking he was responsible for his father's death. He had to endure the pain of missing his love ones, and with the uncertainty of his purpose. He still survived. Not only that, once he defeated his own negative concepts, he was able to use what was meant to destroy him to his benefit. After all, it was the hyenas that took out Scar.
Once the gloom of lost passes away, the shine of good memories began to illuminate. Also, if you are in tuned, as they say, you can continue to feel the love and energy of that individual from beyond. After the grieving process, many people set unrealistic goals and accomplish them. I believe its because, people go from understanding the infinite of life and death to the finite of flesh and breath.
In this world, just like in the Lion King, death is part of the process of life. With that being said congratulations to all those who are expecting or recently gave birth, you are contributing to the continuum. We are born, we live, we die. The unnerving part is not knowing how much time. and what to submit to and what to daringly try. A person's legacy is comprised of actions that turns into memories and that is the real circle of life.