Know When It's Time to Evolve: How Interactions Influence and Impact

I love quotes. To me, quotes are not just snippets of someone's writing or speech. They are scriptural in nature. For instance, when things are going a certain way I think of the quote, "life is ten percent what happens and ninety percent how I react." I read or heard that quote years ago. It is now a principle of mine. When one hears a new truth, it opens them up to a new reality. Quotes can be mind stimulants that triggers a mental evolution. I believe as we move forward in this new world old quotes will help guides us.
"For every action there is a reaction" that is not just a quote, it is a scientific fact. It should also be considered law to anyone who uploads anything onto the internet. People post for various reasons; branding, teaching, inspiring, venting or flaunting. However, you can't know the next person's level of self analysis. I have seen comments left under people posts that highlights everyone is not evolving at the same rate.
There are five ways in which evolution occurs: drift (chance), flow (leaving one population to go to another), mutation (coping with a gene mistake), sexual selection (mating choices) or natural selection (survival of the fittest). People are continuously evolving and in more than one way at a time. That is why self-analysis is so important, it allows for people to as we you use to say, "check yourself". The quarantine is allowing people to find out they were not so much as evolved as they were distracted. That is why as the days forge ahead more people are engaging in self care. One of my mentors use to say, "it's all about self, without being selfish." What a great quote.
Quotes are so powerful, I believe that is why so many of us love memes. They are essentially quotes with pictures. Memes can be deep, humorous, or inspiring. The combination of quotes with visuals are aiding some creative people in improving their finances. Almost every legitimate company has a social media page and being a content creator is turning into big business. However, not to sound like everyone's Auntie, just please understand every post is an invitation into your circumstance.
Another quote that should be social media law is, "not everything is for everybody". Some social media posts have cost people jobs, scholarships, and even relationships. As a legal administrator, I can tell you folks Facebook account's have been used to assist in everything from insurance claims to child custody and divorce cases.
Just a heads up, if you are not currently upholding all of your stated moral obligations, beware of posting. I have seen cohorts expose cheating in the comment section under a family picture. Remember social media is forever. Don't post sorted details about your life unless you are okay with everyone remembering, even when there comes a point where you want to forget.
Also, If you like showing the world you are sexy, by all means, it is your prerogative to show them what you are working with. However, if you have children under the age of 13, you should contemplate separating your pages. Otherwise, your children can become part of your sexual liberation before they are fully aware of their own. If you just thought of the quote, "only God can judge me" that might be true in the spiritual sense, but in the literal sense if you are going through any type of custody situation it can be raised as an issue of child endangerment.
For the record, I understand and support not letting what other people think dictate how you live your life. But at some point we have to begin to self-analyze. Whether it's bad relationships or bad habits, know when its time move past, leave behind or get out. I will sum it up with one of the best quotes ever, " do not cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it". Take if from a person who had to learn the hard way, know when it is time to evolve.