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May The Force Be With You: The Connection Between Star Wars, Science and Spirit

To all my fellow nerds out there, Happy May the 4th. According to, the Force is a mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together. Harnessing its power gives the Jedi, the Sith, and others sensitive to its spiritual energy extraordinary abilities. Things such as, levitating objects, tricking minds, and seeing things before they happen are all possible because of the Force. The Force is therefore not unlike the spirit.

Many believe, spirit is the vital principle or animating force within all living things. Scientist would say that the Force is atoms. Everything on earth is made up of atoms; understanding the structure of them is key in the studies of physics, chemistry and biology. If you ask me, the force is a real thing and we call it consciousness, the light saver we use to wield it is the Soul.

Just like the Force, the Soul is always present, whether you are using it or not. The midichlorians in Star Wars, which connected the Living Force to the Cosmic Force is parallel to hemoglobin which is the earthly connection needed for a human to stay connected to its living force. When midichlorians are present they allow their host to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force. Just like a hemoglobin host can tap into their spirit and are able to feel certain things in the Soul.

As far back as the 1600s, renowned mathematician, scientist and philosopher, René Descartes speculated that somewhere within the body, in a special locality, there was a ‘vital spirit’ or 'vital force', which animated the whole bodily frame. He compared it to an engine in a factory that moves the machinery in it. The concepts of spirit and soul often overlap, and both are believed to survive bodily death, just like the Force in Star Wars. Because of different doctrines, Spirit has frequently been conceived of as a supernatural being, or non-physical entity. But I believe Spirit is the Unknowable Power that first manifested itself in electronic particles or atoms and is now manifesting in us.

The concept of using the spirit is foreign to some people. I know of many people that when you say invoke a spirit, they think of dealing with ghost or having conversations with a deceased person. Spirit is also often used to refer to the consciousness or personality. When Obi-Wan Kenobi first introduces Luke to the Force, the way he descibed it, I immediately thought he was referring to his conscious. Consciousness at its simplest is "awareness or sentience of internal and/or external existence.

Opinions differ about what exactly needs to be studied and explained as consciousness. Sometimes it is synonymous with 'the mind', other times just an aspect of mind. In the past it was one's "inner life", the world of introspection, of private thought and imagination. Today, with modern research into the brain it often includes any kind of experience, cognition, feeling or perception. It may be 'awareness', or 'awareness of awareness', or self-awareness. In that instance, the Force and consciousness are the same thing. The both have a light or dark side in which one can explore and operate from.

Stars Wars like real life, has different levels and orders of consciousness. For example, a person who grew up in Florida has a different consciousness about oranges and snow than a person who lives in Iowa. That is a consciousness that springs from location and environment. Other things that effect your consciousness, are your occupation, your relationships, your physical body and your mindset. So, whether you believe the connection I have made is false or true. Thank you for taking out the time to read it. May the Force be with you.



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