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Last Call for Summertime: Why the Energy Feel Robust in August

Summer starts the beginning of the hottest season, that lasts from June 20th to September 22nd. During this time of year, plants and trees are giving fruits. Flowers start blooming with different colors, leaving amazing smells in the air. Many people enjoy summer because it has the longest days and shortest nights. Each month is special in its own way. June, marks the end of most school terms, July, has Independence Day and September, has Labor Day. August, does not have any international or national holidays, this is the month that tends to define summer for me.

August like July, are named after Roman rulers. The comparison of July and August as months, is as similar to the people they are named after. Like Julius Caesar, July comes in with a bang. It is the hottest month of the summer and has many national celebrations. On the other hand, August is like Augustus, long suffering and enduring. He is not as famous as Julius, but he is the ruler that upgraded Rome from a republic to an empire. Besides Julius and Augustus, there is another common factor between July and August, Leos.

Ranging from July 23rd - August 22nd, Leo's personalities resembles the characteristics of the month they fall under. July Leos, are usually extroverted, independent, and creative. August Leos, are ambitious, honest, and driven. Whereas, the July Leo is cunning and outspoken, the August Leo can be manipulative and blunt. Just like, Julius and Augustus Caesar, both like to be the leader, the boss, or have the starring role. Like their fire sign counterparts, Aries and Sagittarius, they find it difficult to be subordinate to others.

The original Roman calendar was ten months long. Some of it was borrowed from the Greeks. Before the Romans changed the calendar, there was no July or August. Under the old system, the beginning of the year started in March. It's name is in honor of Mars, the Roman God of war. Next, April which is short for Aprilis, is identified with the Roman goddess Venus, also known as Aphrodite. May is short for Maius, meaning "the great one", is the Italic goddess of spring. June is short for Junius or Juno, who is the principle goddess of the Roman Pantheon. She is the deity of marriage and the well-being of women.

The rest of the Roman calendar is named after the Latin numerical position they held on the calendar. Quintilis meant "fifth " until it became July. Sextilis meant sixth until it became August. September’s Latin root septem, means seven, October’s Latin root, octo means eight, November’s Latin root Novembris means nine, and December’s Latin root decem means ten. Romulus, the legendary first ruler of Rome, is supposed to have introduced this calendar. No matter how you feel about the Romans, they sure did come up with lasting branding.

August is usually a lively yet leisurely month. If you are a Midwesterner like me, you know this is the last month you can enjoy consistent mild weather, without feeling hurried. Vacations are coming to an end. Kids are about to be back in school. The hustle and bustle of daily life is on the horizon. Many of us are trying to get in our last backyard parties, camping trips, boat rides, or whatever outside activity that we enjoy. With this in mind, there is a collective sense of adventure and excitement at this point in the season.

Summer is different this year. The unrest going on, reminds me of changeover in Rome. Upon his death bed, the last words Augustus reportedly spoke were "Have I played the part well? Then applaud as I exit" That is how I feel about this summer. Some people are being cautious, some people feel like YOLO. Despite that, individuals are still finding a way to enjoy the weather.

Augustus’s public last words were, "Behold, I found Rome of clay, and leave her to you of marble. If you think about it, that is exactly how a Leo (and some August born Virgos) would exit the world. Augustus was so aligned with the spirit of the month he created, he died 19 August 14 AD. (he was born in September). Factors like these, is why I believe the energy feels robust in August.



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