Odd in October: Celebrating Harvest Time While Preparing for The Lower Temperatures Takeover

I call October the changeover month. While The spirit of harvest and love is in the air, winter is on the horizon. Many students now have a feel for Their Learning Environment. They have decided what classes and instructors they like. Although the virus has changed the physical aspects of this equation, the basic concepts still remain the same.
By October, all One's choices for the year have settled in. Mentally People are already preparing for the coming year. Everyone is already looking forward to or dreading the thought of large gatherings and gift giving. Love Them or hate them, the holidays are around the corner.

Depending on where you live (for me, its Michigan), the weather plays with your emotions. It goes from guaranteed warmth to being grateful for a 60-degree day. In the daytime, a long sleeve shirt or cardigan can be worn. When night rolls around, you need a jacket or hoodie.
In many mid-western locations, the weather can become extreme. The Thermometer goes from 70 degrees in the daytime to 35 degrees at night. Women can literally go from wearing sundresses on Saturday to boots with coats on Sunday. Along with the bi-polar weather, we also have the colorful changing leaves that fall to the ground, leaving a beautiful pile of labor for someone to remove.

throughout the centuries the placement and meaning of October has changed. Did you know, The Greeks adapted many things from the Romans including parts of their calendar? October is the tenth month under the Gregorian calendar we follow. However, Under the Roman calendar October was the eighth month. In Latin "Octo" means eight. For an in-depth explanation of the calendar months and their meanings go to:
No matter the meaning and placement, October has always symbolized the changing of the tides. Many Celebrations take place during this time. From Europe to Africa, it is the month most Nations show gratitude for crops that yielded. historically it is also the month people become more reflective. I wonder if that is the reason Libras are the way they are.

People born between September 23rd and October 22nd, fall under the astrological sign of Libra. This Zodiac is Symbolized by SCALES. Libras are KNOWN TO BE FAIR AND COMMUNAL. they ARE ALSO KNOWN FOR THEIR LOVE OF Beauty, Their Desire for OPULENCE and Their Generosity. The world is GOING TO NEED THAT TYPE OF ENERGY IN THE NEXT COMING MONTHS.
As we forge forward towards the end of the most peculiar year in my adult life, My mind is on the children. What will Halloween Look like for them this year. 2020 came with it's own costume and most people had to wear a mask. One thing I can say for sure, I have never seen an October, this odd before.
