Spring Makes You Want New Things

According to Greek philosopher Heraclitus, there is only one real fact of life; change is the only constant. Nothing highlights that more than spring. It is something about this time of year that instinctively tells us, it’s time for a change. After dealing with cold and dark days, many people are ready to release winter, like a cocoon preparing to become a butterfly. This takes on many forms. For some it’s the need to deep clean their homes. Others, plan and go on vacations. Many start new businesses. Whatever the process, you can feel in the air that people are ready for the changes spring brings.
Spring is the rehearsal for summer. It allows us to change out all the items we needed to survive the cold weather, with the things needed to enjoy warmer temperatures. We replace our coats with jackets. The materials of our garments become thinner. Even the color palette of apparel changes, less black and grey, more vibrant colors. After going through months of limited sunlight, individuals instinctively want to transform their winter selves and shed the layers.

Did you know as the temperature increases the chemicals in our bodies begins to change, and we start to hormonally morph? Increase sunlight gives our serotonin levels a boost and jumps start our desire to be more active and productive. That is probably why it is around this time of year; people kick up their health and self-care regimes. Gym attendance increases, razors and lotion are back in heavy rotation. Subconsciously, we are preparing ourselves to be outdoors engaging with people again.
Various religious and cultural observances celebrate spring’s equinox. The common theme with all of them is, coming out of the darkness and the dawning of new possibilities. Many great memories are made during this time of year. The majority of graduations, marriage proposals and home purchases occur during spring. It’s something about this season that makes people feel like they either want to engage in new adventures or relaxing and releasing retreats. Some could say this is the season of self-care.

Everyone knows or has their definition of what self-care is. Self-care describes a conscious act one takes in order to promote their own physical, mental, and emotional health. That perfectly describes the mood of spring. If you think about it, that is exactly what the Earth is doing right now. The grass and trees are turning green, and new flowers are popping up everywhere. It’s like the Earth is getting a spa treatment and a makeover.
When rushing through life, we don’t always pay attention to the gifts nature gives us. I used to have a love hate relationship with this time of year. I love the warmer weather; I hate seasonal allergies and insect bites. I’ve since came to understand, you have to take the good with the bad. I am now fully immersed and invested in the manifestations of this season. The effects of the new equinox are beginning to be seen, and I am ready for the positive newness that this spring will bring.
